September 21 and 28, 2024 (Saturdays)
9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bring a bag lunch.
The CCCR will provide drinks.
Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD (Educator, theologian, spiritual director) will be the instructor.
Topics Include
- Scriptural Picture of the Power of Prayer
- Prayer Ministry for Evangelization
- Spiritual Gifts and Empowered Ministry
- Inner Healing
- Prayer Team Dynamics / Guidelines
- Listening to the Person and to the Holy Spirit
- Blocks to Healing
- Developing an Ongoing Prayer Life
Must attend both Saturdays to receive a certificate.
A love offering for the Center will be taken.
Maximum 100 people.
Must register beforehand.
Call the CCCR at (210) 226-7545.
Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal
1707 S. Flores Street
San Antonio, TX 78204