***Get solid roots as a disciple of Jesus who is led and empowered by the Spirit.
Handouts for each presentation are available.
Go deeper with Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

The Community of My Beloved English Prayer Group invites the community to a series featuring Fr. Bob Hogan BBD.

When: Every Thursday evening, August 10th through October 5th.
7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
(6:30 p.m. Rosary)

Where: Saint Mary Magdalen Parish (In the church.)
1710 Clower St., San Antonio, TX 78201-3597

Teacher: Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD
(Educator, Theologian, Author, National Catholic Charismatic Renewal Leader)

Schedule and Topics:

  • August 10: Discipleship: Living as a Disciple of Jesus
  • August 17: Prayer Life: Growing as a Prayerful Person
  • August 24: Rooted in Scripture (the Living Word of God)
  • August 31: Healing and Empowerment Mass
  • September 7: Holiness: Freedom & Transformation in Christ and the Holy Spirit
  • September 14: Ministry Empowered through the Spiritual Gifts (Charisms)
  • September 21: Community Building: Being the Body of Christ Together
  • September 28: Healing and Empowerment Mass
  • October 5: Evangelization: Sharing about Jesus Christ
  • October 12: Life in the Spirit Seminar
  • October 14: Life in the Spirit Seminar