From Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD:  This is a lot of material, but if you want to know clearly what Pope Francis is saying about Catholic Charismatic Renewal, this gives you a lot of information.  Those of us involved in Charismatic Renewal need to be able to pass this information on to our priests and others in the Church who do not understand Charismatic Renewal very well and do not know what Pope Francis has been saying about it.  Especially look at 1) The “What is CHARIS” section; 2) Pope Francis’ address about CHARIS; and 3) Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa’s presentation (recently made a Cardinal).

Subject: CHARIS Magazine Special Edition



CHARIS Magazine Special Edition



Dear friends,

After two years of the birth of CHARIS, we believe it necessary to dedicate an extraordinary number of our Magazine to the origin, constitution and development of this new unique service to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, created by the express will of the Holy Father. 

We encourage you to read this issue carefully, to spread the news and we invite you to write to us at: info@charis.internacional in case questions arise.

Enjoy this issue!


What is CHARIS?


CHARIS’ peculiarity is that it is not a Public Association of Lay People, but a body established by the Holy See, through the Dicastery for the Laity, Family  and Life endowed with public juridic personality.

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Letter of Pope Francis to Cardinal S. Rylko

27 April 2016

Click here

Letter of Cardinal S. Rylko

03 May 2016

Click here



Act of Constitution of a New One Service for all the Expressions of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal

30 May 2017

Click here

CHARIS Constitution Decree

8 December 2018

Click here




8 December 2018

Click here



Inauguration of CHARIS
International Conference of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal 2019


Speech of the Holy Father during the inauguration of CHARIS

In his speech of 8th June 2019, before 4500 members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Worldwide, Pope Francis explained clearly what is CHARIS and what the Church expects from it.

Read here



The birth of CHARIS and its importance for Catholic Charismatic Renewal

Speech by Cardinal Kevin Farrell during the inauguration of CHARIS – 6th June 2019

Read here

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal: a current of grace for the whole Church

Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa O.F.M.Cap. – 8th June 2019

Read here






What does the CHARIS logo mean?

See here



Guidelines for the creation of a single CHARIS National Service of Communion (CNSC)

Click here


With the purpose of defining the terms we use on a regular basis; we have prepared the following Glossary.

Click here










CHARIS Magazine
Address: Palazzo San Calisto, 00120 Vatican City
Phone: +39 06 698 87126/27
Fax: +39 06 698 87224

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